About Kristof Van Rossem

Kristof Van Rossem (°1969) holds a Master degree in Philosophy and in Sciences of Religion (University of Leuven (KUL)). For more than 20 years, he has been an independent trainer working with dialogue and reflection in various organisations. His specialities are the “art of questioning” and variations of “Socratic dialogue”. Kristof is teaching Business Ethics at Odisee University College of Brussels and he is a teacher trainer in the department of philosophy of the University of Leuven (KUL).

More information on training courses and workshops can be found at www.socraticdialogue.be

Kristof has published several texts and books on philosophical practice. You can find all publications on www.socraticdialogue.be/publications/

Below you find some recent articles and books:

In English:

Van Rossem, K. (2018). How to lead a socratic dialogue. In: Staude, D. & Ruschmann, E. (Eds.), Understanding the other and oneself (pp.68-80). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars.

Van Rossem, K. (2017). Socrates in prison. Socratic dialogues with prisoners. In: Philosophical Practise, 12.3, 1980-1991.

Van Rossem, K. (2014). Meeting Socrates. How to do socratic consultations. In: Philosophical Practise, 9.1, 1344-1351.

In French:

Van Rossem, K. & De Moor, M. (2017). Le dialogue socratique en pratique. In: De Moor, M. (Eds.), Socrate à l’agora. Que peut la parole philosophique? (pp.64-77). Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin.

In Spanish:

Van Rossem, K. (2017). Cómo dirigir un diálogo socrático.In: Segura Peraita, C. (Eds.), El método socrático hoy. Para una enseñanza y práctica dialógica de la filosofía (pp.139-157). Madrid: Escolar y Mayo.

In Dutch:

Bolten, H. & Van Rossem, K. (2014). Socratisch beraad. In: Van Dartel, H. & Molewijk, B. (Eds.), In gesprek blijven over goede zorg. Overlegmethoden voor moreel beraad (pp. 96-112). Amsterdam: Boom.

Books (in Dutch):

Van Rossem, K. (2023). Vraag raak. Bewust vragen stellen in communicatie. Leuven: LannooCampus.

Van Rossem, K. (2020). Het filosofisch gesprek. De basis. Leuven: LannooCampus, Leusden: ISVW.

Van Rossem, K. et al (2017). Leerling of bekeerling. Radicalisering bespreken in de klas. Leuven: Acco.